The Occult of DISNEY.. Mickey, the Wicked!

Walt Disney was a Mason of the last degree. And most likely he was also a Satanist. Starting with the name:
waltdisney 33.png
By way of learning, we can do numerology also manually.
Using the Chaldean Table:

numerologia chaldean maçons ocultistas
W = 6
A = 1
L = 3
T = 4
D = 4

I = 1
S = 3
N = 5
E = 5
Y = 1
What gives: 6 + 1 + 3 + 4 + 4 + 1 + 3 + 5 + 5 + 1 = 33

The initials of the Disney characters, M M, which turned sideways, represent the number 33:
mickey mouse 33
Just like in Minney Mouse, Marlyin Monroe, Marlyin Manson .. etc Now there are Satanists who know the Bible very well,
more than many and many Christians. Isaiah 29:16: “You saw things upside down!
As if you could imagine that the potter is the same as clay! (…) ”

Mickey means Wicked when turned upside down. In fact, probably Wicked is the name of the character, that was turned upside down. Wicked means "cursed" in English. Is this a good thing? Be a wicked, cursed? And of course, the obsession with the number 33 - the number that represents the fallen angels. If you search Disneyland's coordinates, you will find that it is at latitude number… “Latitude and longitude coordinates are: 33.812511, -117.918976.” In the city of Anaheim: anaheim 33.png
That "by chance" is also 33 in numerology. It's also Disney's Club called….
disney club 33.jpg

Of course. Now on Wikipedia, which is also system-wide - of course,, you will find 2 different explanations for them to name the Club 33,  but we know the reason is this:
And of course Walt, the occultist, managed to put the number 666 on his
brand logo: 
disney 666
walt disney 666
Does this number “666” happen to represent anything good? Just like the word "Wicked"? Is this all just a coincidence?  A "conspiracy theory"? Now, it is no coincidence or theory, if it's true and the elite is always using these numbers and symbolisms that It has biblical root, but it is not representing good in the Bible, but evil. And they are not Satanists, are they? Below, tweet and photo of Katy Perry at Club 33. 99.999% of her followers should have no idea what this means:

And of course it's full of subliminal messages in Disney cartoons. But I won't focus on that here.  You can find out about the hidden messages in the Disney cartoons. on other sites. I'm focusing on subjects that others don't talk about.


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