This is yet another PROPAGANDA MOVIE, this time to improve the image of Francis (I don't call him Pope because the Bible forbids calling others Father, since Father is only God, and Pope means "father"). "Just one more of the bible unbiblical blasphemies promoted by the Catholic Church. Sorry if you are Catholic ... but that's what we see).
The movie has good points, like being entertaining. Yet it is nothing more than propaganda, and comes with symbolisms that express the truth about this Church.
What do I say and repeat here on this blog always? Because they're always repeating the same thing, it's MODUS OPERANDI: Truth in movies, lies on TV.
If you don't know it yet, PIZZA, in the occult world and secret societies, is a code word, or code for CHILDREN and PEDOPHILIA.
Proofs to follow, and then we go to the movie analysis:
- "PIZZAGATE" SCANDAL: It was one of those leaked elite-controlled scandals that is now called fake news by the media. Real things are usually called fake news, and fake news are called real news on TV.
The Pedophilia network has its own symbols, which were not coincidentally inspired by traditional occult symbols such as the swirl and the pyramid.
Some symbols are for those who prefer girls, others for boys, and there is one that is for both.
The symbols were leaked by the FBI itself.
One of the places where these symbols appeared was a pizzeria called "BESTA PIZZA". BEAST, like the BEAST of Revelation should be.
This was their logo before the scandal, after they changed. But the logo showed that the Pizzeria was a facade for pedophiles, probably Elite.

The owner of one of the pizzerias involved, a guy who went by the name of Jimmy Comet, felt free to post suggestive images on his Instagram, like this one, among others:

Ping pong table behind. Ping Pong by the way is the "kids" version of Tennis, which is a more adult game. What they did to this girl is super normal ... for a pedophile.
In another image, we see a picture of a BABY, next to which Jimmy posted "#HOTARD", an English slang meaning "retarded prostitute" - HO de Hoe (prostitute |), and Retard TARD (retarded).

At the image below, the hashtag used by the pedophile was "#chickenlovers". CHICKEN (Chicken) is another slang for children in the world of pedophiles:

In yet another suggestive image, the owner of Pizzeria Comet Ping Pong posted a girl talking about pizza. But these are just some of the images that the subject posted. You can no longer see them on the pedophile's Instagram. He closed or deleted the page.
In the image below, posted by someone who marked the location of the photo as the Comet Ping Pong pizzeria, we see a man with a RED SHOE, another Pedophilia symbology that I even covered in my portuguese blog yet to be translated.

Photograph of the place where child trafficking was practiced; Note that the sign is ORANGE, ORANGE, the only color that is 33 in numerology. Moon and star symbol, similar to those found in the Baphomet image:

It also reminds me of this statue:
That stick surrounded by two snakes is a phallic symbol, just to clarify.
Jimmy loved to post these suggestive things on his Instagram. He was proud and wanted to show everyone about his illicit activities. Since I couldn't post a picture of him or someone doing the pedophile act, I posted these things.
It's like those stoners who keep posting marijuana stuff wanting everyone to know he smokes. Or when someone does something they want to show but doesn't have the courage to tell openly, then they keep posting suggestive things.
James Alefantis (must be a fake name, but was chosen for sounding like "Enfantes" (kids) has come to be considered one of the 50 MOST POWERFUL people in WASHINGTON, home to US political power.
But why would a Pizzeria owner be considered one of Washington's 50 most powerful people?
Because he must be more than a Pizza Owner. More like a child trafficker for sexual exploitation.
Other sites have already covered the subject.
I didn't even want to talk about it myself, but in order to understand the analysis of the movie Two Popes I found it necessary to paint a panorama for understanding.
The Illuminati Card Game (the one released in 1995 that shows events planned by the elite before they occurred, such as 9/11 and the Pentagon) also has a card about PIZZA symbology.
PIZZA must not have been the word chosen for pedophilia for nothing. Again we see the connection with Freemasonry, for PIZZA is 33 in numerology, the main number of Freemasonry:

Taking advantage of what we are talking about, researching here I found that Amazon CEO Barango Jeff Bazos has been saying that one of AMAZON'S SECRETS are meetings with TWO PIZZAS, where 2 pizzas should serve all present.
Link here
Who has seen a company where pizza is served at company meetings? Just .. pizza?
Returning to the subject of POST, which was MOVIE TWO PAPAS ..:
Everyone knows about the Catholic Church scandals related to pedophilia.
Again, the elite exposed themselves. But people think that after the subject went to the media, things have changed and now they are fighting pedophilia.
The film TWO POPES shows the TRUTH about it.
The scene above, of the two Popes eating a PIZZA, was inserted in the film as a SYMBOLOGY that Pedophilia is still in the Church.
There was simply no reason to include a scene where they appear eating pizza in the movie. The scene was set up with a very furious excuse so that the elite could mock the masses once again, showing the whole truth in code form.
I repeat, the only reason for the inclusion of pizza in the movie was to show that pedophilia continues (that if they were not meant to symbolize that both popes are very fond of "Pizza" but not the one that has cheese and tomatoes).
In addition to PIZZA, which is 33 in numerology, they put an ORANGE drink on the scene. ORANGE is the only color that gives 33 in numerology. (The color was widely used by the Nazis. The movie quotes Nazism here and there.)
Something stunned me. Completely amazed with the wooden face.
The following image is real, as you can buy in this title video "Vigilia con los jóvenes":
During a vigil in PANAMA, Francisco wore, on his biggest wooden face, an outfit with symbols identical to that of the FBI BOY LOVER symbol:
Red Shoe. Not at all flashy with this white outfit. Red shoes have meaning and they know it. Even in this scene Pope Benedict 16 draws Francis' attention to the shoes that Francis wore, which were not to Bento's taste. |
The scene below also caught my eye. See that picture with green background that is in the red part of the wall? A picture of Mary, it seems. Well, it's shaped like a ... vagina. Yes, and this is purposeful. The "goddess". The shape looks like a vertical eye, but when they use this shape in church decoration, it symbolizes the woman's sexual organ.
And if you haven't noticed, the "Pope" is a man who wears a dress.
They talk under the symbol of the "goddess", a vagina.
Also featured in the movie is the famous St. Peter's Square, which is a square inside VATICAN and features an Egyptian OBELISCO (they show you the truth but you don't understand):

Scene from the movie they probably got from a real recording
If you do not know what an OBELISCO is, find out now that this is the "sexual organ" of Osiris, the Egyptian sun god:
As if not enough, the name of the square could be none other than ST. PETER, or Saint Peter, that's because the etymology of the word is PENIS!
Do not crees me? Do you think I'm wrong? Search for PEPPER PETTER.
This pepper has the name of PETER because it resembles a phallus, or a peter, to be clear:
So let's recap ...
They have an OBELISCO (Osiris dick) in the middle of the square, and the square is called San Pedro. or ST. PETER, where PETER and PETER mean PENIS.
What is going on with these people? Do you trust them?
All the cameras were in it when Jorge Bergoglio said that the earth is flat. Don't know what I'm talking about? I realized that by watching the movie TWO PAPAS, as they repeated the same phrase used in real life by JORGE BERGOGLIO.
Francisco said the following:
"WERE LOOKING FOR A POPE ALMOST AT THE END OF THE WORLD". Jorge Bergoglio when he had just taken office as "pope".
At the time I did not understand the phrase, because Argentina is not an end of the world.
It was only by seeing the phrase repeated in the movie that the snap came to me, and I understood.
The phrase was totally geographical.
A ball has no beginning and end, as is the case with the false theory that we live in a sphere. Spheres have no beginnings and ends. But a FLAT EARTH and with a DOME has an END, there is the EDGE.
And this border is in Antarctica, which is near ARGENTINA!
Yes, Argentina is almost at the end of the world. Because our world has an end, and it's in Antarctica. In Antarctica is the DOMO, and no one can cross the DOMO;
The figure below is a representation of our ROYAL LAND, which is circular and flat. The border is in Antarctica, which is an ice ring around the Earth.
Geographically, ARGENTINA is almost at the end of the world (ANTARCTICA):

Approximate map of our world
I'm sure this is the true meaning of Jorge Bergoglio's phrase. Obviously he would not make it into the rank that is without being a high-ranking Freemason. Moreover, leader of the secret society of the Jesuits (so they say). He has power in the world of the occult, the secret societies, and obviously he has the knowledge about the TRUE shape of the earth.
And he told us ...
"They sought a Pope almost at the end of the world," referring to Argentina's proximity to DOMO, the geographical end of our Earth.
And finally, this is what I remember relevant about the movie. Has good acting, good direction, I do not deserve this. But the film also aims to improve Francisco's public image.
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